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Voulme Lash Extension


This exciting new technique is storming the market and will quickly begin to replace old methods of 1 by 1 lash extension. Using the most light weight and damage free extensions on the market, these silken hairs are layered onto your natural lashes to create volume and softness only dreamed of before! This technique, founded in Russia, has revolutionized the way extensions are looked upon and has made the possibility of application even greater than before.Never before have lash extensions been so safe, soft and natural.



Sparse natural lashes: a very sparse set of natural lashes would be considered around 50 lashes per eye. With traditional lash extensions, that would mean you would also get around 50 extensions per eye (minus the natural lashes that are too weak/just growing in that we can’t extend). With 3D extensions, lash-challenged clients with 50 lashes per eye, can now have around 150 lashes per eye! By using thinner extensions we are able to put 3 tiny extensions to each lash! The result? Fluffy, soft extensions that are full and tender! Volume extensions will also be easier to maintain than classic single extensions as the weight is distributed differently, and you will have more lashes to spare between fills… so as they shed, you won’t notice the extensions thinning nearly as much! . Full natural lashes: If you’re a client with full natural lashes (100-130 lashes per eye), 3D Lush extensions you will fall absolutely in love with this new lashing method. Instead of 100-130 extensions per eye before, with 3D you are going to have over 300+ fluffy, rich extensions per eye!

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